Gramma Darlin and me
Before traveling to Australia in 2019, my grandmother passed away. She was probably the most inspirational woman in my life for so many reasons. My son, JP, gave her the name “Gramma Darlin” when he was about 2 years old, because every time she greeted him she would say in her strong Texas accent “Hello Darlin” and kiss all over his face. He adored her and began calling her Gramma Darlin. Thinking about her one morning, I carved fried eggs onto a mug and it really made me smile, I could almost hear her “Gramma Darlin giggle”. She was an amazing cook and always made the most perfect eggs. She collected many things, including “costume jewelry” that my sisters and I always loved to look at and try on when we stayed with her. I was reminded of that when I saw a friends collection of enamel flower pins and brooches. These memories have made their way into my work. I hope they bring a little joy to you when you use them.
I’ve drawn from several different places of inspiration for this body of work. The banksia slip ware was inspired by the incredible plant life in Australia. Specifically a day spent Wilson’s Promontory National Park with my daughter and a very dear friend..
If you would like information about Wilsons Promontory National Park